Afonso Xavier Canosa Rodriguez

On philology, potatoes and construction.
Well, this is just my first approach to blog-writing. I want it to be the way to keep in touch with colleagues and friends.

info at canosarodriguez dotnet

How it all began
So, when you live in a farm, it is quite common to spend sometime of the year with building activities... let's say that even if not as a main task, it is something I am used to deal with.

However it all changes when you devote yourself to building as a full-time, permanent job. I began building a house with 2 other men in 2004. 6 months to finish the basic structure.

Later on I worked with several small companies as a brick-layer assistant, doing a little bit of everything. I am proud of having worked, in my very beginnings, with some of the best professionals I happened to meet until present.

My main field of activity is concrete. Until present I have dealt with country-houses, an up to 4 floor residential building, and some big structures for industrial uses.

I have worked in Galiza for 2 years.
Later on I moved to Zaragoza where I worked mainly with pipelines for 2 months. I highlight the fact of having dealt with a well equipped team where topography made our work not only easier but as accurate as I haven't seen again. We carried on our activity in a very large area: usually I am limited in a small, well-defined ground, hence topography, even if a must, is more basic.

I moved to Catalonia. Different places around the Costa Brava and the Selva building luxury resorts, and, finally, a residential area of 10 individual units.

I came to Switzerland in 2007 where I worked as an assistant mainly in the building of concrete-structures of industrial buildings.
Subject: construction - Published 26-12-2007 14:41
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© by Abertal

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